A BOY CALLED CHASE es una IPA de 6,8% con lúpulos Mosaic, Chinook y Vic Secret


5,50 IVA Incluido

Con inspiración en A GIRL CALLED GRACE, session IPA de inicios de año, A BOY CALLED CHASE, Su heramno mayor es una versión IPA. Como antes usamos un blend de lúpulos americanos y australianos, en esta vez Mosaic, Chinook y Vic Secret para darle a esta ipa un toque inicial petado de piña y mango pero con un toque a pomelo que le da profundidad a la experiencia. Midiendo 6,8% grados, conserva la suavidad habitual dadas las grandes cantidades de trigo y avena agregadas. Un blend de golden promise y german pilsners como malta base le dan un tono dorado pálido.

With inspiration from a Girl Called Grace Session IPA that we brewed last year, A BOY CALLED CHASE is a suped up IPA iteration of that beer. It is not a rebrew it is more of a reimagination. Taking a blend of American and Australian hops like before, this time Mosaic, Chinook and Vic Secret to give an IPA that is all pineapple and mango up front but with a grapefruit undertone that provides depth to the hoppy experience. Weighing in at 6.8% abv there is plenty of the usual smoothness and texture from copious additions of wheat and oats. A blend of Golden Promise and German Pilsner base malts give pale golden hue to this hazy one.

Peso 0,48 kg



Lata 44cl


Agua, Cebada malteada, trigo, avena, lúpulo, levadura


Cebada malteada, trigo, avena


Mosaic, Chinook, Vic Secret